
There are many truths that we as citizens of this great nation have to face. It is normal to hope for the best in these circumstances, but that is not always the case. The American Veterans Alliance has found one truth that is disturbing, and that is just putting it mildly. Did you know that if a veteran dies and that there is not enough funds to bury them, or if they are homeless, that they do not receive a burial service befitting to them? The best definition of what they receive is a pauper's service.

Now just imagine, if you are willing to; that for all of the work that you have done for your country, if something was to happen to you, that no one would be able to find you? As tragic as this revelation is, there is something that we can do, that does not require an act of Congress to readily establish and put into effect.

The American Veterans Alliance, a non-profit organization, is inaugurating our new national program; The Burial With Dignity Program. By allying ourselves with companies like yours, we are able to adopt the brave service men and women that have fallen, and lay them to rest for a low cost at a national cemetery. Rest assured that these veterans will be remembered honorably for all of the sacrifices they have made above and beyond the call of duty. We will not only honor them by placing a flag on their coffin and/or headstones, but we will make certain that their lives and names will live on for future generations to see.

The fact that you have taken the time to read this letter shows your concern. It's not much, but there is something that you can do. Just recognizing that this is a just and worthwhile cause, we ask that you support our cause by donating to this much needed service. You can send your tax deductible contributions via PayPal or contact the American Veterans Alliance's Headquarters for more information on how to make a donation.

- Photo Courtesy of John Hanley, Copyright 2008 -

Veterans' Obituaries is an online memorial service dedicated to preserving the memory of the brave men and women that have proudly served in our nation's armed forces. This site has been made possible through the work of The American Veterans Alliance and is committed to honoring those that have fallen and have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the name of God and country.

- Photo Courtesy of John Hanley, Copyright 2008 -

"May Our Heroes Never Be Forgotten..."
